I like swirls and twists........

I like colour, texture, pearls, and patterns.............
I also like the little moments in life.........
I like the little glances, the small kisses, the fluttering feelings.
I like getting distracted while walking down the street by the deep fuchsia colour of a blooming peony.
I like the heady scent of the freshly watered marigolds that stops me in my tracks and keeps me from getting where I'm going on time.
I like to stop to pet the purring cat on the sidewalk.
I like to take a break from my run to watch 12 baby Canadian geese fall all over each other.
I take comfort in the little details and the little moments.
I have a lot of change going on in my life right now. Good change, great change, exciting change, change that scares the bejeezus out of me. So for my Week 7 ring a week I went back to what is comforting for me. This ring has lots of lovely little details. A silver ring shank that is hammer textured. I've added 24k yellow gold bits to the ring shank. Set in the tubing is a little pink felt "petal" and then stemming from the petal is silver wire dotted with pretty pink pearls.